Olympic Gold!
I got my knit on in the 2006 Knitting Olympics and finished my Kureyon Tote just in time!
Check it out...

And check out my Olympic Gold...

It's annoying how everything cuts into my social life and doesn't give me enough time to knit.
I got my knit on in the 2006 Knitting Olympics and finished my Kureyon Tote just in time!
So, for my project for the Knitting Olympics I am doing a larger version of this bag...
Went to the bank from hell at lunch to argue about some fees and a lying teller (I called customer service this morning and they told me to talk to the bank) and got all worked up and told the teller supervisor that I knew the fees were at her discretion and I felt like I was getting screwed right up the ass.
So, I finally bit the bullet and decided to go ahead and enter the 2006 Knitting Olympics.
So, last night was the Super Bowl and we had a friend over to watch the game and have some snacks and stuff. The blue birds and the bees. I can't believe the team with the ugly uniforms won. I cooked some pasta and sauce things and a good time was had by all. Apparently football on a high def 57" TV is really great...