Get my knit on...
It's annoying how everything cuts into my social life and doesn't give me enough time to knit.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Halloween Lucy
Last Saturday night J, JD, MD and I went to a couple of Halloween parties. This year I was Lucille Ball. I spent considerable time on the costume and hat, making them from vintage patterns. Here is the finished look in my kitchen before leaving for the party. I love this very 50's looking picture.

Someone asked me if this was a wig, but no, it's my real hair set on those squishy pink foam rollers for most of a day.
Monday, October 22, 2007
3 Favorite Things
This is a picture I snapped over the weekend. I love my new green retro toaster and my alligator cookie jar, but I really love the skein of yarn I just got from Insubordiknit!

It's so cute in the skein I almost hate to knit it up into the scarf I had planned for it.
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Brush With Celebrity!
Ok, so last night was an event at Macy's NorthPark that I attended with JD. It was a fashion show and advice on plus size fashion with Clinton Kelly from What Not To Wear. I love that show and as soon as I got the postcard in the mail I called in my RSVP.
Anyway, Clinton came out and talked, pulled a few girls on stage for virtual 360 degree mirrors with him and then he narrated the fashion show. I have to say he is very much the same in person as on the show. He's very funny and both JD and I had a super time!
He provided a lot of really good advice and information. One of the things I liked the most was when he said never compare yourself to an image on a billboard or in a magazine because these people do not exist. He said it would be like comparing yourself to a tree stump or an inanimate object because these people don't really look like that and everything is photoshopped. I knew this already, but it was still nice to hear.
After the show there was a book signing and if you spent $100 the book was free and he signed. I have been wanting a great trench coat for a while and ended up buying 2 of the trench coats that were featured in the fashion show. One is bright green and the other is leopard print. They are both different in style and super cute! Following Clinton's advice to everyone, before I wear them they will both be going to the tailor for a little nip/tuck here and there.
So, I waited in line for a few minutes for the book signing and when I got up to the table with my book the first thing out of his mouth was: "That shirt is a great color for you!" I wore my favorite new pop your eyes out royal blue silk shirt. The prettiest and biggest pain in the ass shirt I own (it's very particular and I have nearly ruined it several times, the shirt and I have a "relationship" with the dry cleaner). Anyway I said thanks and told him I bought the green trench from the fashion show too. His eyes got big and he says "Oh yeah, that will be great on you too!" Anyway, we chatted for a couple of minutes and I can definitely say he's a super nice guy! He signed my book and JD took this picture with her phone.

It's a little blurry (I can't believe I didn't think to bring the camera!) that's me with Clinton Kelly! Yeah!
If you ever get a chance for a meet and greet with him, definitely do it!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
First Finished Sweater
This is my first ever finished sweater.
Perfect Sweater from Mason Dixon Knitting - Seed Stitch neckline, cuffs and hem
KnitPicks Panache in Mulled Wine
KnitPicks Options circulars in sizes 5 and 6

I can't believe this is my first finished sweater ever. I have more in the works for sure because I am always so cold. I am very happy with the finished sweater. I have been working on it sporadically since last fall. Unfortunately it is a gift and will be going to J's mom tonight. I really hope she loves it. She is allergic to alpaca, but really loved the feel of that fiber, so we decided on an alpaca blend that hopefully she's not so sensitive to. She plans to wear a long sleeved shirt under it at all times anyway. I have a sweater for me that is halfway done, but after that my next sweater will definitely be a top down raglan because all the seaming was a total drag.
One thing about this yarn that I didn't expect was how heavy the sweater would be. It's very heavy.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Stitch Markers
This is the set of stitch markers I made for Sm00bs as her prize in the llama contest. I will be mailing them out tomorrow.
I love them. I could definitely use more markers, but I have yet to make any for myself.
I finished the tiger costume that I was making for a client last night. It turned out really cute and included a really easy mitten pattern that gave me some ideas for making some super cute mittens. More on that later.