Last Saturday night J, JD, MD and I went to a couple of Halloween parties. This year I was Lucille Ball. I spent considerable time on the costume and hat, making them from vintage patterns. Here is the finished look in my kitchen before leaving for the party. I love this very 50's looking picture.
This is the matching hat. The hat alone took several hours over 2 days. It is made with a wire frame, satin cover sewn by hand and all the ribbon flowers and leaves sewn by hand. I don't know if I will ever attempt one of these again. It turned out really well though.Someone asked me if this was a wig, but no, it's my real hair set on those squishy pink foam rollers for most of a day.
This is me and J. He refused going as Ricky to my Lucy. He went as Sam Kinison instead and was a pretty good likeness.
This is me and JD, she was Bonnie as half of a Bonnie and Clyde couple.
This is me and MD, he was Clyde.
Great costume! I love the hat!
The hair is impressive as well.
Thanks guys!
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