Handyman & Wisteria

I also cut wood trim with a hand saw at Home Depot last weekend. Wow, can you believe it??
It's annoying how everything cuts into my social life and doesn't give me enough time to knit.
I also cut wood trim with a hand saw at Home Depot last weekend. Wow, can you believe it??
This is what the kitchen looks like now and why we finally had to get rid of the guy. If you notice, the cabinet doors look like a different color of white - well, this is because the guy, without even asking us, took the doors home with him and painted all the doors with white high gloss oil base paint. I was so pissed. We paid for all the paint for the cabinets, a nice semi gloss latex, so we basically wasted money on 3 gallons of paint because now the doors didn't match. Besides that, the cabinets weren't sanded well before painting and looked like complete crap.
Anyway, we have a tile guy coming on Saturday to look it over and see about redoing the countertops. I just want it done already!