Sockapalooza Sock Savior Rocks!
I feel bad that I didn't post these earlier, but I just got all tied up with the holidays and the house stuff and everything.
I got my socks from my Sockapalooza Sock Savior! These socks totally rock! The fit and color is great! As you can see, the fluffies also like the socks!

Love them! Also love her blog. She's got some great projects going on.
I love the way the cabling looks, but you're right. That would have driven me crazy. Or, should I say, crazier.
Yep, me too.
I did the 2007 Rockin Sock Club and the first pattern had cables and lots of people had a ton of problems with them not stretching enough over their heels. It was a pain.
The socks were on the lorax? How cool!
OMG, are your puppies (actuall puppies and not your feet LOL) Papillion's? We just got a Pap (well, in Oct), she is now 7 months old and we love her sooooo much.
Yep, we have 3 papillons, actually. Ours are huge super size papzillas.
They are really great dogs!
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