Baby Things
I have been knitting a bunch lately. This is a baby blanket and hat I made for M & T's new baby that is due any day. Both the hat and the blanket turned out really great. I like the fruit hats, they turn out really cute. Enjoy!
I mentioned the other night at practice to a couple of people about finding camo yarn and knitting a skirt for the bout which is a war theme. They basically made fun of me for wanting to do that and that sucked. It really makes me mad when people think just because you knit you make all that ugly grandma looking crap. I hate that crap and only make cool stuff. The skirt would be cool, but now I don't really have the time or money to make stuff.

I paid my first car payment on my new car today and boy did that suck!
I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I have a few things to do on Saturday, but other than that I will just be working on my black and blue ball dress. It's going to be cute. Black with cherries and all that.
I got my skates back and I think they are going to be really great. I haven't really gotten to try them out since my feet are all jacked up, but I hope it will make all the difference.
I am going to Luke's Locker tomorrow to check out insoles and socks and blister remedies that might help a lot as well. The guy on the phone said to bring in my skates and we could try some different stuff to see what might work.
Anyway, so glad it's Friday!
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