So, I have finished my first pair of socks! Woo Hoo! Check out the pictures....

They turned out really well and are super stripey. I like them! Next pair is already on the needles.
This was a crazy weekend. Friday night J and I went to happy hour/dinner with D. That was fun and we had yummy food and margaritas at Margarita Ranch. I had a chupacabra - it was yummy and dangerous. Then we went home and watched the Weatherman. You know, I really like Nicholas Cage, but this movie was the most depressing thing I have watched in a long time. Can't believe we watched the whole thing. It was awful.
Saturday I did some sock yarn shopping and took the completed socks by the LYS to see what they thought. I was pleasantly surprised when they told me that they were really impressed that it was a first effort on socks. Wooo Hooo! Go me! Got some good stuff there for more fabulous socks.
Saturday night we went to a surprise birthday party for a cool chick and hung out for a while and watched the Devil pursue D and follow him around like a puppy the whole time. It was pretty sad. Just hate to see him start dating the most annoying person on the planet all over again. I care because she is a moron and he deserves better. Bleh...
After that we went to a BT show at Seven. He did not go on until 1:30 and the crowd was so freaking weird, I don't think any of us had that good of a time. There were freaks everywhere! We had sweaty B-O guy crawling all over us, cheesy weird chick who stole the lighting guy's manual and was up on the speaker throwing crap everywhere, and various other weirdos doing bizarre shit. One chick next to me grabs me and takes a picture with me. I thought I was going to get into a fight with a bunch of stupid girls that were humping each other and bumping into me and stomping on my feet while I was sitting on a bench. I pushed them off of me and onto the floor twice. Man, sometimes I just wish I had my skates with me so I could kick some stupid girl ass...
Yesterday instead of practice there was a meeting and apparently some crazy derby shit is going down. I will know more about that on Tuesday, I guess. I did not go to the Ass City bout because I felt like crap. I need to go see them sometime.
So, in conclusion here are a few do's and dont's for a good weekend:
1. Never see a dj at Seven
2. Have good margaritas at Margarita Ranch
3. Naked Hula Hooping = fun
More later...
I want a pair!!!
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