Remember the photo contest I made a post about? Well, I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I got third place in the Nature category with this photo...
And, I got third place in the Animals category with this photo...
I thought my other photos were better, but I guess not what the judges were looking for. There were hundreds of entries apparently, and only 13 winners total, so I guess that was pretty good for my first photo contest. Also, I was the only one to win twice!
Yeah! Go me! My photos were published in the May issue of the Newsletter.
It's pretty cool that you won with those pictures even though they weren't your favorites. I liked all the pictures from you that I've seen. Yay you! :)
Thanks! Yeah, I was pretty excited when I opened the newsletter and saw my photos.
J was bummed cause he didn't win.
Congratulaions!!! That's wonderful! And I think those photos are beautiful!
Thanks so much! I am pretty happy about having photos published!
Yet another Art form mastered. You are mighty.
Bask in the glow of your triumph.
Hehehheheheheha - you are too funny!
Thanks very much!
It figures I would win with a lizard pic, you know, with the tattoos and everything... ;)
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